Monday, October 27, 2008

My daughter is a carnie....

So Sam and I are convinced that Wynn may just be a carnie someday. A damn good one at that. Check out her mad balancing skillz........ oh and the wipeout at the end was completely tear free! Heads up that I flipped the camera sideways halfway through so turn your head when that part happens. :)

Also, check out what mommy taught her this weekend! The tongue click!! I was doing it to her on Saturday and she was watching me really intently. She was watching the way my mouth and my tongue moved and then she did it all by herself!! Oh and it's so funny how she kept hugging her bunny chair over and over. Check it out:


  1. Love it!!! Glad the tumble was tear-free. You should get that girl a safety net! :)

  2. Holy cow, Wynn! I don't think I could even do that! :o)


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