So we're in the final stretch before Wynn turns 2 at the end of this month. I just can't believe that my little baby is going to be a two year old! Where has the time gone?? I thought I would update a little on what she's doing now since I haven't done that in awhile.
- She's all about pronouns. She has discovered that she is "me" and everything she says it "help
me", catch "
me", feed "
me", "
my milk", etc. She has also started pointing to me and saying "
YOU". It's so funny! She talks to her dollies and says "Me feed her" so I know she's really getting what they mean now.
- She loves her dollies and feeds them, rocks them and put them to bed all the time. She calls them her friends and will walk up to them and say "Hola friends or Hola dollies" then proceed to put them all to bed by lying them on the floor in a row and saying "sleep tight" to each one of them.
- She counts to herself all the time. She'll generally say "2, 7, 10, 11, 12" so granted it's not always in order but she's getting the concept.
- She belts out Elmo's Song all the time and it's so stinking cute!
- She has randomly wanted to sit on the potty lately but it's few and far between that she actually goes. She just likes to sit on it and grab toilet paper.
- She's generally wearing 24 month clothes but can wear some 2T's depending on the brand. Some of them are too long on her still (pants). She wears a size 5.5 shoe.
- When we're ready to go somewhere she'll see us getting stuff together, run over to the door and yell "Come on guys!, Come on, Come on" or when she wants to give you a hug she'll say "Come here mommy or come here daddy" and then hug us and snuggle. That absolutely warms my heart!
- She's starting to learn some colors but those are hit or miss too.
- She starts her dance class tomorrow night! We got her ballet shoes and tap shoes all packed in her bag and are ready to go. I can't wait to have her dressed up in her leotard tomorrow night!!
- She actually likes to clean up now. She sings the clean up song as we go around and pick up her toys. Mommy is liking this one!
- Up until a day or two ago I could NOT keep anything in her hair. The second I would put a hairband or bow in she would rip it out. She walked around like Cousin It for the last few weeks because I refuse to cut her bangs. She's been okay about it lately though so hopefully it's just a phase.
- She stuck a fish tank pebble up her nose the other day at the sitter's and had to have it picked out with tweezers. Gotta love toddlers!
Well, I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of right now. She is the most pleasant, sweetest little lady out there and I'm so lucky that she's mine. :)