Wynn has discovered bellies and belly buttons and it's so cute! She's constantly lifting up her shirt and mine and says "Huh?" whenever she sees and touches it like she wonders what it is. We're working on teaching her all of the other major body parts too but she just smiles when we touch them and say the word.
She has also started saying "more" in the last day or two. Whenever she wants more food or milk she says "Mor" and we give her more and she smiles like she's so proud of herself! She says "night night" all the time too whenever we head up to her room. Melts my heart! Her new words this week are:
* more
* hot
* that
We are down to one bottle a day! Woohoo!!!!!! She takes sippy cups of milk throughout the day and before her nap usually. She also drinks water pretty much all day long. We're basically only working on phasing out the nighttime bottle within the next month or so. I can't believe peanut will be 14 months this month. Crazy!
So, there's your update of some of Wynner's new skillz! I'm sure I'm forgetting some but I'll post them when I think of it!