Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bad Blogger!

Sorry I have been a BAD, BAD blogger lately! We have just been so darned busy that I just haven't had a whole lot of time. I promise to update with some pics soon! We had Joe and Lizzie's 3rd birthday party on Saturday and Wynn had a great time. :) Then Jackson's 2nd birthday party was on Sunday! It was a pool party (thank goodness it was an indoor pool since it was only 71 out!) and Wynn had a ball there too. She is such a water baby. Too bad I can't get her to stop opening her mouth wide open when she goes underwater. Makes for alot of coughs, gagging and burping which is not so fun. :)

1 comment:

  1. Don't know if this helps or not Aid, but in C's swim class, they taught us to count, "1-2-3" and then take a big breath in and hum. Then we go underwater. Every night when I bathe him I count the same way and hum right before dumping water on his head/face. The idea of the humming is to make sure his mouth is closed. Anywyas, I'm sure you probably already have a technique you're trying, just wanted to share this one too. Collin still sometimes goes under water with his mouth open and swallows/chokes on it when we come up. As they get older, they'll figure it out. What a fun birthday party!


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