Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Eye doc update

Well folks, it's official. My gorgeous girl needs glasses. We were very surprised by this honestly because we thought she just had a lazy eye type condition and would need something short term or surgery. Turns out that she is significantly far sighted and the poor thing has been trying so hard to focus that her eye is turning in to do so. There is a good chance that the glasses will correct the cross eye but if it doesn't then she will need surgery. We're not sure how long she will have to wear them, it could be forever, but I'm just grateful that nothing more serious is wrong with her. I had a very hard time dealing with this initially but I can come to a point of acceptance where I can't change the situation so I have to move on and make the best of it. I'm sure you are all eagerly awaiting a pic of her in her new specs so as soon as they come in I'll get one.

On a different note last night when I put Wynn to bed (before our furnace went out on a 10 degree night) we went through all of her words saying "night night cow", "night night brush" and so on and I counted 31 words!! I think I may have even forgotten a few but we'll work on that tonight. It was so cute because she said each word right after I said it. My sweet smartie :)


  1. I am so glad to hear that there is not a serious issue with her eye. She will be just adorable in glasses! Do you watch John & Kate +8? Aiden wears glasses and it just melts my heart how precious he looks in them!

    I had a 'lazy eye' type issue when I was little. I'm not sure what they technically called it, but I was at the eye specialist all the time. I had my first surgery when I was probably 5 or 6. Then I had to have two more in middle school. My eyes have been great since then. The correction they made in surgery is holding up fine! I've got to take Barrett for a check-up this summer to make sure I didn't pass down my eye issues.

    I'll be thinking of you & Miss Wynn!
    GREAT job on the words too :)

  2. First of all, so sorry about the furnace going out on a frigid cold night. I've been there and it SUCKS!

    I'm sure you were initially disappointed with your daughter needing glasses, but it's really no big deal whatsoever. If that's the worst of her problems, consider yourself blessed! She's gorgeous - can't wait to see pics of your sweetie sporting her new specs. ;-)


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