Monday, August 15, 2011

Auden is 13.5 months!

Man, I have super sucked at this blog update thingee this summer. We run around non stop I feel like and I just don't have the time to sit and type it all out. So, instead of a 12 month update my poor, second born, daughter is getting a 13.5 month update. :)

At 13.5 months Auden:

- has 2.5 teeth! The two front teeth on the bottom and .5 of the top left tooth. Teething has not been pleasant to say the least.

- is not walking yet. She seems to have no desire to and the second you try to stand her she drops to her bum and crawls wherever she wants to go. She cruises on furniture and climbs EVERYTHING but no walking yet.

- LOVES to dance!! I can see her car seat shaking (she's still rear facing) whenever I put Super Bass on and she squeals and giggles. This girl can shake it like her mama. :)

- At her 12 month appt. she was 19 lbs. 4 oz. (10-25 %) and 30" long (75%).

- Is drinking exclusively from sippie cups. She doesn't even want babas anymore. :(

- LOVES milk just like her big sister.

- Gives high fives

- Loves to snuggle still

- Usually sleeps through the night and wakes up talking to herself

- Still doesn't have many words...mama, dada, nana. She babbles a ton but not many words yet.

- Has SUPER thick hair that has changed a lighter/reddish color and has gotten really long! It's got some curl to it which I love.

- STILL wears a size 2 shoe (she never has shoes on though).

- Wears alot of 6-12 month short but needs 12 month onesies and 18 month sleepers

- Is into EVERYTHING. I mean, everything. She pulls everything out of cupboards, gets stuck climbing under the dining room table, climbs on top of her Leap Frog table, etc. She is going to be a rock climber!

- Doesn't need milk before naps or bedtime anymore.

That's all I can think of right now but I'm sure there's more that my sweet girl is doing. :)

1 comment:

  1. What a great update on Miss Auden! Sounds like she's doing beautifully. But wow, a size 2 shoe? I think my daughter has monster feet in comparison (size 5/6 at 15 months). Auden is certainly a cutie - keep the updates coming!


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