Tonight I took Wynnie up to go trick or treating with Joe and Lizzie at Mimi's and Redsie's house. Despite not taking any nap today she was great and had so much fun! I made her Cookie Monster costume and I have to say she was the talk of the 'hood. :) Enjoy!
Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch (or dumpkin patch) as Wynn calls it and had so much fun! We went with our friend Jane and her son, Jimmy, and the kids had such a ball. It was gorgeous out but a tiny bit chilly still. The kids played in the haybale barn, went down the slide in the haybales, tried out the tractor, petting zoo and went on a hayride to pick our own pumpkins. Daddy helped Wynn pick the perfect Dumpkin just for her!
Wynnie's Dumpkin
Wynnie turn the wheel, turn the wheel Wynnie!
Daddy and his girl :)
Oh and here's the cutest video of her singing her favorite song (and mine!), You Are My Sunshine. You're going to LOVE the ending! lol!
Wynn went over three whole hours tonight with no diaper on and NOT ONE accident!! I let her do this the other night, right before taking a bath, and she peed on the floor. She has talked about it ever since and randomly says "pee, floor" and "daddy clean up" because Sam cleaned it up. :) So tonight when I took off her diaper to let her run around, bootie in the wind, I explained to her that she was not to pee on the floor and that if she had to pee she needed to tell mommy. She sat on the potty no less than 10 times but in three hours that's not bad! She didn't pee everytime but the fact is that she's getting it and knows the sensation of having to pee and can catch herself, even when she's playing, to stop and tell mommy and pee in the potty!
First things first, I wasn't able to post pics of Wynnie's cupcake party because our computer cord died last week. She had a great time and LOVED the balloons and after all of the kids, except her buddy Carson, had left they did a balloon dance. Check it out! We got her an Ariel dress up costume for her birthday, which she loved; unfortunately it ripped within five minuetes of putting it on so we had to take it back. At least we got a picture in it!
Our next big news this week is that Wynnie started at her new "school" today! She looked so stinking cute (and big!) in her new school outfit and backpack. When I dropped her off she just waved to me and said "bye mommy". I have to admit while it felt good to have her feel safe and secure I would have loved just a tiny bit of her not wanting me to leave. :) She's going to learn and do so much and that is so exciting to me! She was excited to make new friends too. I hope it goes well!
And lastly I just love this picture of my gorgeous girl :)
Wynn's two year appt. went great! Her vocabulary is still exceptional and her potty training is coming along well for her age. Here are her stats:
Height: 33.25" - 50% percentile (they said based on this she should be about 5'6" when she's an adult)
Weight: 25 lbs. - 15% percentile (they having us add powdered milk to most of her foods to get her calorie intake up. She's just so darned pick and loves fruit and healthy stuff that getting calories and fat into her is hard!)
Head: 30% percentile
So, overall she's doing great! She had roseola this week so she didn't get her vacs today but will go back in two weeks for her MMR and flu mist.