Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Auden is 11 months old!

I honestly can't believe that my little baby is going to be a year old in one month.  It blows my mind.  She has been such an amazing and blessed addition to our family and we are so grateful to have her in our lives.  Here's what our big girl is doing this month:

- She still eats everything but has added pork chops, grilled chicken and a number of other foods to her repertoire
- She's down to 3 bottles a day.  One when she wakes up, one before her afternoon nap and one before bed
- She is pulling to a stand non stop and is into EVERYTHING.  This child is ornery
- She climbed up the entire flight of stairs last weekend
- We put up the baby gate this past week and she has taken to climbing on the bottom step and hanging from the gate and laughing
- She is wearing 12 month clothes or 12-18 month generally
- She still wears size 3 diapers
- She barely wears a size 2 shoe. She has midget feet.
- She says Hi and waves hi or bye bye all the time
- She says Dada and mama
- She dances with Wynnie all the time and it's so cute!!

She's doing fantastic and growing so much everyday!

1 comment:

  1. Almost one!! Can't believe how quickly our baby girls have grown! She sounds a lot like my Leah-ornery and hilarious! Leah is also a little bit; wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 3 diapers, but L is in a size 3 shoe. At this age, Brice was in a 5/6! Leah also enjoys eating and dancing. :)


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